A Star Test Primer by Thomas Back - Good primer for star testing

Article on Optical Quality in Telescopes - The defacto double blind comparison of telescopes with different optical quality

Effects of poor Collimation on Images - Good information on the importance of good collimation

ST80 Gouge - Lots of information on how to get the most from your 80mm f5

More ST80 Tune Ups - Bob Berta's defacto tune-up guide for the ST80

Monthly sky maps - Great guide for what to see each month

Finder charts by constellation - Handy charts that are sorted by constellation

Skywatch Newsletter by Rod Mollise - Great newsletter with helpful information

Observing in Light Polluted Skies - great guide for observing in light polluted skies

Messier Guide - A nice self contained pdf on all the messier objects including pictures

How to Clean Optics by Al Nagler - This is the method I use for cleaning my optics

Todd Gross's Page - Excellent information and reviews of Astro products

Magnitude vs Aperture comparison chart

Simulated Planet images in different telescopes

Advice for first time scope buyers

Cloudynights - The best website for everything that has to do with amateur astronomy

Astronomical League - Great site for amateur astronomers.  Loads of observing aids

Collimation Gouge - written by Obsession Telescope

Filter Performance Comparisons for Some Common Nebulae - This is a great page on nebula filters
Autostar Iterative method of alignment

Top Ten Deep Sky Objects for This Month - Jenny Kay FRAS

Deep Sky Sketches and Observations - Excellent site with a lot of sketches for deep sky stuff

Get your exact coordinates online - Great for goto stuff

Matt Weir Telescope Simulator

Planetarium Software Programs - Comprehensive list of planetarium software for Win/Mac

Dark Sky Factor - Good site that outlines what kind of sky you have

Detailed Collimation - by Scott McCluney

Telescope and Eyepiece formulae - Great place for all those obscure formulae












