This is a CG5 that has been roboscoped.  It has a full Autostar system installed which gives it goto and tracking capability.  I got it to learn the world of GEMs and Autostar before my uber mount arrives. 

Update  25 Oct 2003:  I have sold the CG5 robomount.  I learned what I needed to from it and have passed it on to the next person.  I found the goto part rather cumbersome in my tree laden cul-de-sac and didn't use it.  I have to move around a lot to see around the trees so alignments became bothersome.  So, I just turned on the Autostar and used it like a dual axis drive.  At first glance, this might seem like a waste of resources.  But consider this, the complete Autostar setup cost me $145 (2 motors, control panel and #497 controller).  A dual axis drive system for a CG5 will run about the same. 

So, now I await my uber GEM.  Since my Burgess refractor is on the way, I just ordered an Apogee HD mount to use until the Gemini gets here.  Cost me $160, no drives.  I already have someone who will buy it from me for $140 when I'm done with it.  So it cost me $22 shipping and $20 rent.  That'll do just fine.